Energetic Kinesiology with Linda Allen

The Lessons - by Jackie and Jim Lindsay. Jackie and Jim were a important part of my journey, I had hit an extremely low point in my inner life. Jackie & Jim showed me the path back to harmony.

Linda Allen • Apr 26, 2023

Jackie and Jim were an important part of my journey, they came into my life when I was at an extremely low point within myself, from the outside my world looked perfect, but the inside was a very painful place to reside in.

This lovely couple are now deceased, but they live on in my heart, based in Byford, WA, they would offer what we called "The Lessons". 

They opened their home to all who found them and delivered the Lessons weekly free of charge.

This they had done for over 20 years.

I am sharing their learnings as freely as they were given to me, bit by bit I hope to write each one and post it here for you guys to read if you wish, taking what resonates with you and leaving what doesn't.

The following words are Jackie and Jim's.

The contents of these lessons are not for sale, but they are certainly for passing on to help others.

They are based on EXPERIENCE, developed through close contact with Spirit.  We learnt it all through asking many questions of Spirit: 'Knock and the door shall be open to you", "Seek and ye shall find" were the motivation.   If you WANT to know, you will get a response.

However, Spirit does not hand it to you 'on a plate', instead, we were given clues: the right books came to us, the right people came onto our path, and it was up to us to become very aware and, first and foremost, to follow our hearts - for that is where the Truth lies.

The following is a list of recommended reading - but remember to read with your HEART as well as your head!  All books are written by One Author, the truth is there - but it can be distorted by the beliefs of the human author sometimes!  The main object of reading is to open your mind and heart to the beliefs of others, then take from each one what feels right for you AT THAT TIME.  You know instantly if it is not your truth, but if there is a hesitation then do not totally disregard.  Keep an open mind about it and then try going back to the book several months later: if you are growing Spiritually then you will be ready to accept these new concepts.

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle.

How to say no without feeling guilty - Patti Breitman.

The power of your subconscious mind - Dr Joseph Murphy.

Open your mind to receive - Catherine Ponder.

The trick to having money is having some - Stuart Wilde.

Reaching for the other side - Dawn Hill.

Journeys out of the body - Robert Monroe.

The writings of Florence Scovel Shinn - Published by Devorss & Co.

Conversations with God, Book 1 - Neale Donald Walsch.

Embraced by the Light - Betty J Eadie.

A Soul's journey - Peter Richelieu.

Saved by the Light - Dannon Brinkley.

The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield.

Hind feet on High Places - Hannah Hurnard.

Anatomy of the Spirit - Caroline Myss.

Love, Medicine and Miracles - Bernie S Siegel M.D

The Healing secrets of the Ages - Cahterine Ponder.

Understanding the Chakras - Peter Rendel.

You can heal your life - Louise Hay

Sun signs - Linda Goodman

The life and teachings of the Masters of the Far East - Baird T Spalding.

Lesson One.

The real world is beyond our thoughts and ideas, we see it through the net of our desires, divided into pleasure and pain, right and wrong, inner and outer.

To see the Universe as it is, you must step beyond the net.  it is not hard to do, for the net is full of holes ~ Sri Nisargadatta.

To demonstrate this net we use an elastic bank "spider web" a big one that 15  people can hold onto comfortably.  I explain that if we could 'see' we would realise that we are all connected to each other and to the world around us, buy luminous fibres.  I ask the group to place the web at their navel, then Jim twangs the elastic so that they can clearly feel the vibration in their bodies.  have you ever had the experience when you have seen someone fall, but not been able to get to them in time?  where do you feel a sensation within yourself? in the stomach.  this is because of the fibres that connect to us.  to learn more about this concept I recommend reading The teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda.

The concept was put to me by spirit that we are all held in this invisible web by our EMOTIONS; the more emotionally involved we become with each other, the tighter we are bound within the web.  this first set of lessons teaches you how to bring the emotional body into balance with the physical body, thus breaking the strands that have bound, one by one.  I love Sri Nisargadatta's words, they made me realise that we DO focus on the web/net, and not on the spaces in between - there are more spaces than there are lines!

Our elastic band web was made by one of our people - Brett, and then another person, Gail, was inspired to write the following piece after visually seeing this normally INVISIBLE web:-

The Web

On trembling feet I walk a sticky thread.

My balance sometimes falters as each vibration tugs at my composure,

but every time I find my stance anew another confining string is napped,

and the web which hold me in my unique place of learning becomes a little weaker - whilst I become stronger.

The lessons of this life are like a tightrope walk - hesitate, and fear may make me stumble, wrapping myself in ropes of others making.

Take one step at a time, with eyes and heart fixed on this moment only,

and I may journey the web of life watching the sticky strands fall one by one,

until one day my wings are free of constraint.

I kick off my sticky shoes to fly free once more.

It seems strange to start off lessons about Spiritual self-development with a lesson about some of the miracles of the human body, but it is essential for us to rap the wonders of the tool that we have been provided with to enable us to experience Earth and being human.  most of us take it all entirely for granted until our vehicles goes wrong!  Our bodies need care and attention, just the same as our cars, in order for us to get maximum mileage out of them!

There is a saying in the Bible, 'Physician heal thyself' - when we really start to study the functions of the body we are given valuable clues as to our Spiritual side.  Nature follows up with even more clues: so do start to become more AWARE.

the following taken from a readers digest article in 1993 explains how amazing our body is.

A Proper Engine for the Soul - Marc McCutcheon

Picture a steaming hot do smothered with mustard and relish.  can you see it?  Sell it?  Taste it?  you can. yet the hotdog doesn't exist.  Your brain has just fired off hundreds of electro-chemical impulses that opened a vast store of memories:  hot dogs eaten at the football, hot dogs sizzling over grills.  with the capacity to store billions of bits of information your memory has formed a composite of hot dogs you have seen, sniffed or tasted in the past. 

The extraordinary scope of our memory is just one of the many wonders of the human body that we often take for granted. 

Here are others:

The Hungry Brain - more than 100,000 chemical reactions occur in the brain every second, requiring huge amounts of energy.  in fact, the brain can burn as many kilojoules in intense concentration as the muscles do during exercise.  Thats why thinking can be as exhausting as a physical workout.

Because it has no nerve endings, the brain can be burned, frozen or cut without the slightest sensation.  In fact, Neurosurgeons often operate without anesthesia: (headache pain arises outside the brain).

By electrically stimulating the temporal lobe, a surgeon can probe a patient's memoires, bringing vivid recollections back to life.  Touching specific parts of the brain can make other body parts respond - a probe in the parietal lobe, for instance, may start the hand tingling.

The Nose knows - Nasal mucus is the first line of defense against the millions of bacteria that constantly try to invade the body.  those that survive the strong chemicals found in mucus are expelled or swallowed and finished off by stomach acid.

Pollen grains face a different defense system.  In their reaction with nasal mucus, they form chemicals that cause a prickly sensation, triggering a sneeze that can eject particles at speeds exceeding 150km/h.  The blood vessels in the nasal passages alternate in size every few hours, so that on nasal passage is always open wider than the other.   (That statement has great significance, for it is the way that we breathe in the earth's negative polarity field into our body to provide us with energy.  it is then acted upon by the chakra system, causing the energy to weave its way up the spine.  The energy is affected by the magnetism of the body, and the actions is an alternating current - more on that later in the lessons).

The Eyes have it - In 1977 an eight-year-old boy in South Africa was found to have a flower seed sprouting in his left eye, possibly a marigold or a daisy. (it was removed surgically and the boy's eye healed.).  Apparently, the eyes provide all the conditions necessary for the germination of seeds: warmth, oxygen, protection from sunlight and moisture.

Your tears are wonders in themselves.   With every blink the eyes are bathed with a bacteria-fighting fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands.

The tears caused by irritants differ from tears of sadness, which contain 24 per cent more proteins.  Both contain prolactin, the same hormone that stimulates milk production.  this may explain why women cry more often than men.

(I suggest that may be because the poor males, when they are 'knee high to a grasshopper' are taught that it is not 'manly' to cry.   Another point about tears is that tears of joy are different yet again - they do not contain any salt!  Next time you find yourself laughing and crying at the same time, tase them - no salt.  People frequently experience tears when they sit and meditate, and are surprised, for they feel no sadness.  I remind them to have a taste.  I think this happens because their Spirit side is joyful that they are turning back to the Light at last.)

The Skin Game - (this one fascinated me) One square centimeter of human skin contains approximately three million cells, 95 sweat glands, 14 oil glands, 10 hairs, 90 centimeters of blood vessels, 2900 sensory cells, and more than three million microscopic animals.  Almost all human skin is infested with mites - even the face.  Impossible to wash off, they are probably beneficial, cleansing our follicles and glands.  You can see them with a strong magnifying glass.  (And strange looking creatures they are!  Now that statement really made me think:  to those mites, tiny as they are, our skin is their world - we are so vast that they do not even know of our existence!  Now, what if WE are on something that is so vast that we cannot recognise "the body" that WE think is our world??? hmmmmmmm).

Blood vessels in the skin will shrink instantly if the skin is cut or if pressure is applied.  To observe the reaction, run the edge of a ruler over your forearm.  The white line that appears is caused by a sudden loss of blood volume. (in the case of a cut, this will help limit the bleeding) A few seconds after you remove the ruler, the vessels will once again fill with blood and the line will turn red.

The body constantly sheds dead skin cells and replaces them with new ones.  Of the dust floating around in the average house 75% is made up of dead skin cells. (so we are constantly cleaning OURSELVES up!)  The body cools itself through the evaporation of sweat - about two litres on an average summer day.  On humid days, though, sweat may fail to evaporate.  As a result, human survival time in moist air is greatly reduced.  When the air is completely dry, humans can survive a temperature of 90 degrees for an hour or so.  In moist air, 45-50 degrees is the most we can tolerate, and then only briefly.

Hard to stomach - Stomach acid is one of the most powerful corrosives, it can even dissolve razor blades.  In fact, to avoid digesting itself, the stomach must produce a new lining every three days.

The human body is an incredibly efficient machine.  to ride a bicycle for an hour at 15km/h the body requires only about 350 kilojoules from food.

Sound effects - Humans can hear frequencies as high as 20,000 hertz (higher than a piccolo) and as low as 20 hertz (lower than a bass fiddle).   Curiously - the sound of blood flow in the vessels of our head and neck is within hearing range, yet we don't hear it.  Doctors are not sure why.

When we speak, the sound of our voices is conducted to our own ears primarily by our bones  which slightly alter timbre.  that's why many people don't recognise tape recordings of their voice - only 'air conducted' sound is recorded.

depending on its' origin, sound usually reaches one ear a fraction of a second sooner that the other ear.  By calculating this difference, the brain can pinpoint a sound source within two or three degrees.

Scientist have found that the left ear is better at recognising melodies than the right.  for trained musicians, however, the right ear is superior.  No-one knows exactly why this is so.

The body is many things - a temple, warehouse, pharmacy, electric company, library, sewage treatment plant - a system, as the essayist Joseph Addison said, put together in " so wonderful a manner as to make it a proper engine for the Soul".

This is your body, but it is NOT you!!

it is at this point that we sit in meditation and also each week, I read to the class a meditation from U.S. Anderson's book; ' Three Magic Words".  There are 12 different meditations, addressing your spiritual side - each one perfect for the lesson that has just been completed.  I recommend this book too, it is very different from his other books, and he has said that he felt that he didn't write that book - that he just 'pushed the pen'. 


Before you start Lesson 2, there is homework for you to do:- 

Each morning, look yourself in the eyes in the bathroom mirror and sayI love you"….

Some people find this extremely difficult to do, and that is usually because of the way they feel about themselves.

 It is ESSENTIAL to exercise this love and acceptance of the self; if YOU don’t love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to love you!! We have been brought up to think that it is egotistical to love yourself, but this is different: it is not YOU loving YOURSELF – it is you acknowledging your Spiritual Self,  – which in turn teaches you the unconditional love and acceptance of your human side.

You may feel uncomfortable doing this, possibly you won’t be able to look yourself in the eye’s initially, but persevere each day, until you get more and more comfortable with it.

You only need to break that barrier ONCE, in order to set things in motion . So, no matter how silly you feel, please DO IT – after all, there is only you and the mirror to witness it.

The other piece of homework that we get people working on straight away is using the White Light in your daily life – not just at meditation times. There were not many books which mentioned the White Light when I first started off in this, Dawn Hill was the one who introduced me to it in her books. I asked my guides if it was beneficial, and the answer was that it was VITAL!  But it was an elderly lady in our group that brought me round to the way of thinking that it could be used on all worrying situations in my life.

She came to the weekly meeting very upset one night, she used the Light on EVERYTHING, but this particular day she had taken her grandchildren to the shops, they were fighting all the way there, and as she ushered them out of the car she was so stressed with it all, that she forgot to put her car in the Light. When they came back to it, it had been broken into – she was convinced that it took place because of her neglect of the Light projection.

THAT MADE ME THINK…perhaps there was something to this? So I started putting it around the house when I went to work, putting it around my car when I parked it, putting my children and husband in it so that I would not worry when they came home late – and it gave me a  feeling of strength somehow.

It was several months later that it was put to me to use it towards difficult situations; we used to do a healing circle once a month in which we all sat in meditation, then at a word from the leader we would all say a name of someone who was sick, then mentally put them in our circle and project healing to them. One night, however, Jan asked us to put someone in the circle that they were having PROBLEMS with, and having done that, KEEP doing it until the problem was solved – even if that took several weeks. My mind instantly went to our new neighbours who seemed to be most unhappy with our noisy water pump (which we changed), our noisy dog, our noisy music, the amount of cars that went up our drive (which in those days was just normal family ‘traffic’)  It went on and on, and there was no pleasing the lady, who was on our front doorstep at least once a week. It was all very upsetting - especially as the previous neighbours had lived harmoniously next to us for at least ten years with no problems!

So I put this lady, and the situation, into the Light, and kept it up for a while until I suddenly realised that it was now several weeks since we had had a visit from her!

Then a few months later we discovered that we had new neighbours! The story was that these new people had fallen in love with the house at first sight, walked up to the front door, and gave the old neighbours an offer too good to refuse – and they walked out of our lives!

I used it even more enthusiastically now, but often wondered if it would work so effectively if I did not have the faith in it. I got my answer a few months later. Our son – who did not believe in any of this ‘voodoo stuff’, as he called it, was having problems at work with a new boss. This man was quite a different kettle of fish from the previous boss who had been a kind, considerate man who treated his staff well. The new one disregarded all the safety measures, swore at the staff, discontinued their Friday night get-togethers, and never praised anyone on their work. Needless to say, the moral in the place had reached an all time low.

The first we heard of it was when our son came home in a furious mood, threatening to ‘deck’ the boss, and leave! Andrew had been out of work for a whole year previous to getting this job, so I asked him not to be so hasty – “Why don’t you try this White Light of ours?” I expected a protest, but he listened while I told him how I had used it on the lady next door. The advice was “Every time he comes near you, just imagine that you are projecting this Light all over him. You don’t need to SEE it, just THINK it. Instead of reacting towards him in a negative way, just put him in the Light instead. Try it, you have nothing to lose.” I left it at that, our son is not one to be pushed (especially in this ‘weird stuff’.) It was a Monday night when we had that discussion.

The following Saturday morning he had to work overtime. When he came home I asked if the boss had been there – “Yes.” – “Did you put him in the Light?” – “Yes.” (Good!). The following Monday he came home from work and announced that the boss had actually praised him on his work that day! – “See, it’s WORKING.” The next night I heard Andrew on the phone to a mate talking about the boss. When he put the phone down I asked if he was still having trouble – “Not any more. I decided to have it out with him when I went to work today, so I asked to see him outside and put it to him that I was not very happy there, and it was because of HIM.” The boss had noticed! He let Andrew have his say then answered, “Well, it may look to all of you that I don’t do much round here, but my work starts when you lot go home. I didn’t ask for this job, I was PUT in it, and unfortunately, the big boys are leaning on me, and it goes right down the ladder – and the ones at the bottom cop it.” Andrew’s reply was, “Well, if you are having trouble with the bosses, why don’t you have a meeting and we will discuss it and work round it.” – “No, if anyone has any complaints about me, let them be man enough to come and tell me like you did.” From that point on Andrew had no further trouble with the man.

The following Monday, two weeks after this ‘non-believer’ had started using the Light, he came home from work and announced, “I think your White Light is TOO bloody good – he’s left!.” Oh no! However, we later heard that he had his old job back, and we feel he probably took Andrew’s example and went and had a word with his bosses. Plus, even later, we heard that this man’s wife was dying of cancer. THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON. And it needn’t necessarily be because of YOU!

Having used it for years now, with great success, we have come to the realisation that when you use this Light it is for the highest good of BOTH parties, and not just for YOUR gain – and that’s NICE.


11 Aug, 2023
LESSON THREE REMINDER: Have you told yourself you love you yet? Are you remembering to use the Light, around yourself, and around others? The object of this lesson is to highlight the need to go beyond using PSYCHIC energy – which is using the energy from your own energy field, and aiming to use SPIRITUAL energy – which is NOT using your own energy. For instance, Reiki healers are ‘tuned in’ to the Universal Energy in order to become channels to let the healing energy flow through them to the patient; they are taught right from the word go that the human self is not doing the healing. This trains the ego to step aside enabling the energy to flow. In doing that they can then do many hours of healing with no sense of tiredness whatsoever, in fact, at the end of a long Reiki session the healer feels uplifted and energized. This lesson focuses on THE ENERGY CENTRES. As I have explained to you, WE ARE truly, a Being of Light – a spirit – that uses this body – our vehicle – to come to Earth to try to overcome negativity and to find our connection with the God energy. We have discussed some of the miracles of the human body, and last week you learned something about the first four of our seven bodies. Those spiritual, unseen, bodies have a great influence on our lives in that certain energy centers within our etheric bodies are activated and eventually opened up, by OUR FEELINGS – the way we perceive things to BE. (Maybe not actually the way they ARE!) Included is a chart showing the location of these energy centers,(please email for this image) the areas they affect, the emotions they promote, and the popular belief of what colours they are (this varies in different belief systems). In our early learning days, I took many questions about the chakras to Spirit. We were told that they did play an important role, we were even given a chakra meditation to work with for several months (this will be printed in my second book The God Light). Then one night they refused to answer any more questions on the subject! I could not understand this, I felt that the chakras played a VITAL role – but all questions put forward received a resounding ‘NO’. So we had to leave it at that. It was three and half years later before we came back to chakras, and THEN I realised that we had had to go away and do a whole lot of learning in other areas before we could come back to this subject with AWARENESS – an ability to look BEYOND what most books tell us about the chakra system and how it affects us. We will go into those deeper meanings in the higher-level classes, for now I was told to ‘keep it simple’ and introduce you to it gradually – in just the same way that we learned about them. The baby in the womb has all seven centres open, or activated, but when we are born the majority of these close down DEPENDING upon the type of circumstances we are born into: There is the family that is really looking forward to the birth of this baby – and so it will be born into a positive, loving atmosphere. Then there is the circumstance where this is an unwanted baby – ‘we can’t afford another one!; ‘I haven’t got time to have another child’; ‘I don’t WANT a baby – HELP!’ And so that baby is born into a negative atmosphere. In actual fact, a baby is born PRECISELY when it is supposed to be, and through the two sets of genes that it needs, and the scenario is PERFECT. It is only US that thinks this is terribly wrong timing here! The majority of females only have the first three chakras activated, and males only the first two. THEY CAN ONLY OPEN IN ORDER – from the root chakra upwards. THEY CANNOT BE DONE FOR LOTS OF MONEY BY SOMEONE ELSE! ONLY YOU CAN DO IT. There is chakra BALANCING, which will help to bring balance into your system – but that does not actually activate the rest of the system. If you go out the door feeling better, but THINKING and ACTING in the same old way – you will soon be out of balance again! Most books will tell you there are only 7 main chakras, with hundreds of minor ones. White Eagle teachings talk about there being 8. We have learned that in the first stage of our coming into balance that 12 positive chakras and 10 negative chakras are involved, and the opening up and closing down of these depends entirely on the way YOU look at life and the people in it. If you have a belief in trying to live your life to the best of your ability, trying not to judge others, trying to help others etc. – then you will activate the rest of your positive chakras and weaken the negative ones. If you get very much wrapped up in the belief of EVIL, the DEVIL, a WRATHFUL GOD, you will strengthen your NEGATIVE chakras and weaken the positive ones. As you activate each chakra your physical body vibrations heighten, and the colour of the chakras, when the 7 th one is opened, will all merge into White Light. Just as the diamond, a white stone, sends off all the rainbow colours when light is directed through it. The chakras are the facets of our True Self; the keys used for the emergence of our Self. WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING IS THAT THE HIGHER SELF IS STARTING TO MERGE INTO THE PHYSICAL BODY TO HELP IT TOWARDS PERFECTION IN EVERY WAY. REMEMBER EVERYTHING STARTS IN THE INVISIBLE FIRST BEFORE IT CAN APPEAR IN THE PHYSICAL. When each chakra is fully activated by the way you have dealt with certain circumstances in a positive way, it will start to activate the NEXT one , creating a NEW set of circumstances – which you have drawn TO yourself in order to overcome, and so on; so that you become more and more aware of how you are creating your life circumstance. YOU ARE BECOMING AN AWARE CREATOR, you are starting to tap into that Universal Energy of God that is all around us and within us. With the activation of the heart, throat and third eye chakras you will AUTOMATICALLY start to experience PSYCHIC things. You will find lots of ‘coincidences’ happening to help you along: the right books turning up, the right people coming onto your path to help you. THIS IS THE STAGE THAT MOST PEOPLE ARE AT BY THE TIME THEY FIND US, because you are like a MAGNET attracting them TO you. ALL THAT IS MEANT FOR YOUR EXPERIENCE IS PUT ON YOUR PATH. IT COMES TO YOU. My Mum always used to say, “What is for you will never pass you by.” And that is so true. It is at this stage in the class that we go around and ask each person how they met their partner/s. Invariably it was either through a friend, a work colleague, at a dance, at the pub, etc. There are often quite complicated scenarios that brought it all about, but 99 times out of a 100 WE did not seem to have a hand in it! There are the occasional ones that seemingly MADE it happen by either placing or answering a ‘lonely hearts’ ad, but when we ask further they had either been told by someone else, or dared by friends – and anyway, we KNOW Who prompted that thought in the first place! EVERYTHING THAT IS MEANT FOR YOU COMES EASILY ONTO YOUR PATH – WITHOUT ANY HARD WORK ON YOUR PART WHATSOEVER, REMEMBER THAT – IT MAKES LIFE MUCH EASIER WHEN WE STOP STRUGGLING AND TRYING TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. JUST GO WITH THE FLOW. While these psychic things are happening you could experience ‘feeling’ presences; ‘seeing’ in your meditations, or even in physical life; getting premonitions that come true for yourself or for others. Automatic writing; voice channelling – etc. these are all very new and exciting, BUT DON’T GET STUCK IN THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT THE ULTIMATE. ALL PSYCHIC THINGS ARE CREATED BY OUR OWN ENERGY and misuse of this energy can result – at the least, in physical burn-out, or at the worst, in developing your NEGATIVE chakras instead – TO BE AVOIDED AT ALL COST. The first steps as the heart, throat and third eye chakra centres are activated, are using your own energy within your bubble in the process. This naturally leads to feeling very tired and washed out the more you work with the energies. The way to counteract that is to ASK Spirit for energy! They cannot project it to us until we do that asking. As you then receive it you can actually feel it coursing into your body via the feet. It is not until the upper chakra centres are activated that you feel it then coursing in through the top of the head. When you feel that, THEN you have connected with the higher energies. KEEP ASKING FOR THAT UNTIL YOU EXPERIENCE IT. A lot of people get stuck at the glamour of the happenings of the 6 th chakra; channelling, etc. It seems to be the ULTIMATE to have contact with a guide, but a lot of people never query at what level that guide speaks to them from, and it could be someone who is very close to the earth plane, and who has had even less spiritual activity than yourself! My first contact was with Peter, through the writings. He worked with me for several months, during which time I experienced great tiredness, and many physical health problems – as well as the joy of having made actual contact. Then one day he announced that he had taken me as far as he was able, and that soon a new guide would be working with me. His name was Lucern, and he would be just as loving, and teach me to new levels. I was fairly new to this, the thought of losing Peter so soon was upsetting to me. Also I was not comfortable with that name Lucern – it was a bit too close to LUCIFER for my liking! I still had many fears and superstitions in my thinking in those days! However, Peter took me gently along until one night he announced that he was now handing me over to Lucern. I was in tears, and he had to say to me that he had forgotten the pain of parting on the Earth plane, for over there they were aware that parting was never for ever. And so Peter left and Lucern began to work with me. He did not use the medium of writing for long, for his job was to introduce me to voice channelling. What a thrill that was, now the endless questions could be answered so much quicker, and we had many visitors just waiting to come through.. Most nights we could not start our Spiritual work until we went to bed at about 11, as we were running our own business at the time which involved long hours, and very often, seven days a week. Now Jim became actively involved, he would ask scores of questions, on all types of topics, faithfully recording the answers – and we have 32 tapes of that particular phase of our work. So most nights we worked well into the early hours, which was exciting – but also very wearing. One Spring morning I was directed to take my very tired body out into the garden, strip off, and just soak in the prana (energy) of the sun. (Luckily we had a very private garden!) As I thankfully lay down I felt like I almost melted into the ground, and a voice told me “We can speak to you 24 hours a day, but you, at this stage, cannot ANSWER us 24 hours a day. You must come into control of this; YOU call the tune, YOU say when you want to do it, and for how long – YOU MUST BE IN CONTROL. And that was a major turning point in stopping using my own energy, and tapping into the Universal Energy. The next stage was a sound lesson in not being influenced by the ego in these matters….. A friend, lets call her Jane, and her daughter had not experienced a table session, they had a lot of questions to ask, and so a session was arranged. On the day two people had to drop out at the last minute – our energies were not strong enough at that stage to be able to do it without them, and so we tried to cancel the session. I was unable to reach Jane all day, and so they arrived that evening all excited to see this table. Their faces fell when we had to tell them that it could not happen. We had been doing the voice channelling for quite some time now, but never for other people, so to avoid their disappointment we offered them to ask their questions in that manner instead. And so we sat – for several hours, getting the answers for them. The method I used was to concentrate on a high pitched sound in my left ear, and at the same time to focus on a point about an arms length out from the ear. I drew an invisible line from my ear to that point, and from my third eye to that point – creating a triangular energy field. As long as I held those in focus I knew that I was not influencing the channel in any way. I did not go into trance state in order to channel, but I did become deeply relaxed, and I could not think or question what came into my mouth – otherwise the contact was severed. During the evening the words came out of my mouth that Jane and her husband would be divorced the following year! My heart contracted – I would NEVER have said a thing like that. I almost lost contact through that happening, but then regained it and we went on with the session. When they went home, after midnight, they seemed happy enough with what they had received, and the very next day a couple of the predictions came true. But on the third day I received a call from the daughter – “My Mother has had a raging migraine ever since our visit, how dare you tell her that she is going to divorce her partner!”. My reply was “You are quite right, it has not sat right with me, and I will never do it again,.” On hanging up the phone I went straight to the bedroom to have a serious word with my Friends! It was virtually along the lines that although I loved this contact, if this was going to hurt people - then they could choose someone else. Unless this could be only positive work, then I was not interested. I had no idea if this was going to break my contact with Spirit – or what, but I felt it had to be done. I didn’t end up a pile of ashes on the bed! Instead, Lucern immediately withdrew; his task having been completed – he had led me up to and through the lesson of not letting the ego take over, and the sense of right and wrong going out the window. Aesop then stepped forward, the voice channelling stopped, the writing resumed, and now the quality was so much better – I had earned my first Teacher. So many people come through our classes who have had negative readings from mediums, and it affects them deeply. Unless that medium has a high contact, you will only ever receive half-truths – for very often they get their ‘wires crossed’, and part of your message could be for the medium themselves! ALWAYS TAKE IT TO YOUR HEART; if it sits right – it’s yours. If it doesn’t – disregard. I know mediums have a role to play, but the ultimate is for you to tap into the Teacher within. And as you start to work with the Light and cooperate with the Universe – instead of going against it – you will find that you will get your OWN Truths, and you will take responsibility for your own life - which is the way it should be. Jane and her partner are still married eight years later. The message was a half-truth one; if they continued on in the same vein, they could be divorced within the year. If they did not WANT to be divorced – then they could work on it, and alter the prediction – we always have our free will. BALANCE is the answer ; we need to learn to HANDLE both the positive and negative to generate the power to activate our SPIRITUAL energy centres, in which our PHYSICAL energy is not used up. Once we tap into the Spiritual Universal Energy that is all around us to help our journey through life, then we have unlimited energy at our fingertips for all aspects of our life. The opening of the 7 th chakra brings you the awareness of this energy and the gradual knowledge of how to tap into it. A LOT OF PEOPLE GET STUCK AT NUMBER 6, it all seems so miraculous to us, all these new happenings, BUT THERE CAN BE MUCH BETTER THINGS AHEAD. From the point of the 7 th chakra opening the body will be almost completely filled with the Light – but that is then the END of the AUTOMATIC process. The remaining chakras 8 to 12 can only be activated because you WANT to do it, and in full AWARENESS; because all those things that have happened up TO THAT POINT can be carried out WITHOUT YOU HAVING ANY AWARENESS OF THE PROCESS WHAT-SO-EVER. AT THIS POINT you will have certain powers and abilities, and the urge to go still further into the unknown will force you into MAKING THE DECISION IN FULL AWARENESS of which path you wish to tread. It is at this stage that people either decide on the Spiritual path, or the occult – THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN AUTOMATICALLY – it is our CHOICE. We have created the circumstances to come into our life whereby we KNOWINGLY activate the 8 th positive chakra, then the 9 th – the Christ Energy within ourselves, then the 10 th – the God Energy within. OR The 8 th negative chakra; then the 9 th negative: the anti-Christ energy; then the 10 th negative: the anti-God energy within. By the time the 7 th chakra is fully open we have created a balance between the negative and positive chakras in our body. We need this balance of energy in exactly the same way that the car battery needs positive and negative terminals; to create ENERGY. This energy ACTIVATES the POWER within us to let these positive or negative forces into our FULL AWARENESS. Whichever path we choose we will start the process of shutting down the opposing chakras. If you have chosen the negative path you are effectively severing your link to the loving God, and you have chosen the hardest path to be able to find Him again. It is a path of self-destruction, which looks very inviting initially – we have listened to many stories of people using the ouija board, unprotected and ‘under the influence’. To their amazement (and usually, amusement) they have got contact and been told some pretty amazing stuff, including predictions which often came true rapidly. In this way they were hooked in, beginning to use it more and more – then getting frightening stuff. Yes, that negative path is very wide and inviting initially. The Spiritual path, however, is quire the reverse. It IS narrow and difficult to begin with, there are many tests and we stumble and fall frequently. In this way I think Spirit is sorting out the wheat from the chaff! But the further along it you go, the wider and smoother it becomes – you only need to look at the people who have truly found it; their glow speaks for itself! We have often been challenged – “Prove it, then I’ll believe.” Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that – you have to believe FIRST - THEN the proofs come. It is natural for us to be curious about the black side, and interesting – though repulsive sometimes – to read about it. I think that in order for us to learn the truths we have to look at BOTH sides of the coin, then make our decisions from there. Spirit often teaches me in this way by sending two opposing books for me to read. This was the case when I read ‘The Search for Abraxus’ written by two Australian men, it researches the rise and fall of Satanic cults. An example was a branch of The Golden Dawn which was headed by Alistair Crowley in Britain in the 1930’s. Here was a group of extremely rich men who had everything in life – it seemed – but normal life had lost its challenge, and so they turned to the occult. In the described rituals there was no mention of God or the Light, it was all about self-gratification and self-power. Every member was researched, and everyone of them suffered ill health and poverty in their latter years. The entire sect self-destructed. The other book was about Hildegarde of Bingen, a Benedictine abbess who lived 1098 – 1179. In Germany she was a woman far ahead of her time, establishing three monasteries, and educating thousands. She focused solely on God, and talked very much of The Light. Everything she touched flourished and grew, and her life was full and productive right up until the time she died. Reading of these two extremes showed me that I was on the right path – this is NOT about the human self, it is all about finding our Spiritual Self, only good can come from that. The Universal Mind, or God, knows neither good NOR evil – it is completely neutral. EVIL IS THE RESULT OF MAN’S THOUGHT, NOT GOD’S. I was asked once what were the traits of the negative chakra system in the human, seeing as only the positive ones are listed, Spirit gave me the following:- As in the positive chakra system, the chakras in the negative system have current flowing through them, and the way the human system is developed in terms of energy will determine the amount of current flowing through. As each negative chakra is fully activated definite traits within the human nature will then become predominant. What comes first – the influence of the chakra, or the influence of the human nature? It is an equal combination. A person whose groin chakras are fully activated has a perverse understanding of the sexual act. It is developed in lust, not love, and used as a power. A person whose knee chakras are fully developed refuses to yield to the Higher Power. A person whose feet chakras are fully developed cannot, and will not, tread The Path – by now they will have created their own path towards self-destruction. A person who has fully developed the anti-Christ energy within, which is in the area of the spleen, will be developed in all qualities that are anti-Christ in nature; hate instead of love; vengeance instead of mercy; self-love with no thought of fellow man. A person who has fully developed the anti-God energy within, which is around the area of the liver, will have all the qualities that are against God’s Laws. God is a Creator, the anti-God UN-creates himself. The human traits that are influenced by the chakras, whether positive or negative, are there TO A DEGREE in every person. Each has the free will to develop these traits and to bring them to their full potential. The traits listed above would be those of a person who has CONSCIOUSLY chosen to follow and develop the negative energy. In so doing, they shut down all the positive chakras and their associated personality traits. The reverse applies to the person who consciously chooses to develop their positive energy. It is vital to learn as much as we can about ourselves, both physically and spiritually. Knowledge brings understanding. Understanding removes fear. The average human is only one half of his potential, it is up to US to become fully realised while here on earth. This little piece was handed in, and I think it says it beautifully: There is an Indian belief that everyone is a house of four rooms: a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual room. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time; but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not complete. Chakra Mediation Imagine yourself in your bubble of protection. See yourself from the side view, with your energy bubble surrounding you. Now concentrate on the level at the base of the spine, about 3” behind it, this is the Root Chakra. Imagine a pinpoint of red light there, as you concentrate on it, imagine the chakra opening and the red light flowing out and up the body to the Sacral Chakra, which is 3” behind the level of the reproductive organs. See a pinpoint of orange light there. Imagine the chakra opening and the orange light pouring out and flowing up the body to the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is 3” behind the level of the waist. Imagine a yellow light there, the chakra opens and the yellow floods out and flow up the body to the Heart Chakra, which is about 3” behind this organ. Here you see a green light, the chakra opens, and the green light flows up the body to the Throat Chakra, which is 3” behind that organ. Imagine a blue light there, the Chakra opens; the blue light flows up over the face to the Third Eye Chakra or Brow Chakra, which is 3”in front of the forehead. There is a pinpoint of indigo light there, the chakra opens and the beautiful blue/red colour flows up over the head to the Crown Chakra and there a deep mauve floods the area about 3” above your head. Now imagine seeing yourself again in your protective bubble, all the colours of the rainbow flowing through and around your body. Now call on the Universal Light to enter your body at the Root Chakra, see it flowing swiftly up the body. Everywhere it touches it cleanses, heals, balances and unblocks. Imagine it rushing up to the Crown Chakra and then erupting out of the top of the head in a fountain of pure White Light, which cascades down over the shoulders, down the arms, the legs and down to the feet, under the feet and then re-entering the Root Chakra. Now there you are in your perfect bubble, all the energies flowing freely through your body, perfectly protected and perfectly safe. ~*~ The first Chakra – Base or Root is family, security, survival, groundedness. Sacral Chakra – about creativity, reproduction being the greatest form of creating, about giving and receiving of emotions and feelings Solar Plexus Chakra or Navel - will and power, manifesting, gut feelings, laughter joy or anger. Heart Chakra – pivotal centre, the ability to love feely and unconditionally without expecting a return on investment, acceptance and tolerance of all living things, compassion, love . Throat Chakra – communication, expression, sound, speaking, listening, speaking your truth. Brow Chakra – intuition, mind, wisdom, truth, clarity, discernment, to enable us to see clearly our path or purpose with an inner knowing of trust and Faith, dreams, clairvoyance and insight. Crown – connection to the Divine, your Higher self, Clairaudience, Guidance,
By Linda Allen 10 May, 2023
As always, take what resonates from this lesson to your own heart and feel if it is right for you, what does not resonate please disregard. The following text is Jackie and Jims words and learnings 👇
By Linda Allen 01 Apr, 2020
Generally it is said that there are 7 major energy centers in our energy bodies that interlink with and give vitality to our physical bodies, and lots of minor ones, collectively these are know Chakra's, you can't see them but they play an important role in our lives, each Chakra will affect a different area of our body (muscles, glands, organs etc) and our thoughts/feelings. Our chakras are transformers/reflectors of the main White Light or Universal energy, they are always spinning to a degree but they need to be activated to a full spin so we have a fully functioning system, we can achieve this when we fully embody and align our thoughts, feelings and actions with our Soul's potential, our true self in all it's glory. Remember, its our thoughts, feelings and actions and how we overcome challenges in a positive or negative manner that helps to activate them or slow them down. So try to always look for the learning and growth in any seemingly negative situation, its for our own benefit to turn these life challenges into growth for ourselves and therefore activate more Light/Universal energy within ourselves. When these chakra's are functioning in a balance state they give and receive energy in a fluid, flowing manner. When unbalanced things get a little bumpy! The 7 main chakra's are located at various points along the spine up to the top of the head, they flow out from the front and the back of the body. and penetrate each level of the Aura. (The aura is our own energy field that we are cocooned within, it is 3 dimensional so completely surrounds us, front/back, top/bottom, left/right) within the aura are 7 layers starting from the physical body and moving outward. These layers are: physical/etheric, astral/emotional, mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic and last the outer most layer The Divine. In an over-energized chakra there will be either to much energy coming in or going out. In an under-energized chakra there will be to little energy coming in or going out. There are many different reasons why this can occur, but that's a whole other topic, lets just keep it nice and simple for the time being. If, for example, the throat chakra is over-energized you may talk to much and not do to much listening! or alternatively if it is under-energized you may find it difficult to express your thoughts and feelings into word. In a kinesiology session to gather more information about what is going on here we can look at the level of the aura which is involved in the issue, if it was on a Buddhic level it would be something to do with your belief systems, maybe as a child you had to shout to be heard in your environment ( to much energy ) or maybe you were told by an adult that children should be seen and not heard ( to little energy ). Chances are, these beliefs will not be true for your life today and serve no purpose in your growth, but they are embedded into your subconscious and therefore you are the way you are, so its important to examine ourselves and see what belongs to us, what did we inherit from our ancestors, our environment growing up,what snippet of a conversation did we hear as a child that created some survival instinct in us etc, examine it all and see what we wish to hold onto and what we wish to let go of. The chakra's can only open up in order from the root (base of spine) upwards to the Crown (top of the head) so the flow would go: root - sacral - navel - heart - throat - brow - crown. So you can’t have the root chakra open then the brow chakra open and nothing in between, there is an order of flow and our thinking/feeling activate's the chakra’s to spin fully. Chakra balancing will help to locate issues that are effectively interfering with the energy flow and hindering you in your life some way (eg under-energised throat chakra - not being able to express thoughts/feelings) and bring balance back again, but if you don't implement the insights that come up in your session you will soon find yourself out of balance again, You may leave your session feeling better but if you start thinking and acting in the same old way, you have wasted your money. It would be like getting a wheel alignment for your car, paying $100 for the service, then leaving the workshop and continuing to hit curbs and potholes, your wheels will soon be out of balance again and where is the benefit in that! So if you find life is a bit confusing, that you can't truly show or express who you are to the world but you don't know why, then you may like to take an inward journey with me and explore your chakra's, for each one has a story to tell you.
By Linda Allen 04 Jul, 2019
The human body is amazing! We have been gifted the most remarkable vehicle in our bodies, it provides us with everything we need to function and experience life in the most amazing way if we choose it and we do tend to take it for granted until something goes wrong! Our bodies need nurturing and maintenance just the same as our cars, regular maintenance allows us to get maximum mileage and optimal enjoyment out of them! Given the basics it needs, rest, water, movement and nutrition our body's will function without us having to give it much thought. There is a saying in the Bible "Physician heal thyself" and this speaks volumes to me, as I believe and have seen through the work I do as a Kinesiologist, that the body knows everything about you and it most certainly knows what you need to embrace, let go of, change, tweak etc to bring it back into harmony. If we even look at the various functions of the body we have to marvel at this wondrous world that is functioning inside of us, within just one tiny cell is a whole population of organelles working in harmony to create cell energy so that each cell can work in alignment to similar cells and create smooth function of a particular body system. I love the work of Bruce Lipton, an American Biologist, in his findings it was shown that you can take one stem cell, put it in a petri dish and it will divide every few hours, each cell will be genetically identical according to the environment it is in, the environment being the culture medium the cell is placed in. He discovered that if you were to take 3 of these identical cells from that Petri dish and place them in 3 other dishes with a different culture environment the cells would adapt to that environment, eg if one cell was put in a culture that promoted bone development that cell would become a bone cell, the environment controls the fate of the cell. In an healthy and hospitable environment all the cells thrive and grow. A hostile environment the cells get sick and deteriorate! Now if we look at ourselves, we are made up of a whole community of somewhere around 50 trillion cells, does'nt it make sense to provide a healthy and hospitable environment for us to thrive in. Each and every day, look at your body, smile and appreciate it, because your body loves you and ultimately you are the boss, be a good one!
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